Lattice1: Safe Cards 📹

Alex Miller
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2018


Today we release the second demo video of the Lattice1. Our first video demonstrated pairing and basic crypto payments.

This short video shows the use of Safe Cards:

  • When inserted, the Safe Card “takes over” as the default wallet of the device. This means that any addresses and signatures requested are done so on keys held in the card (rather than the device itself).
  • When removed, the Safe Card can no longer make signatures, so the device’s built-in wallet returns as the default wallet.
  • The app does not need to re-pair with the device to utilize a Safe Card. Instead, it must simply wipe its local “account state” and request new addresses from the inserted Safe Card.
  • Although this demo shows that Safe Cards may be used the same way as the regular device, the “recommended” use is for offline storage. In future demos (probably a few videos out), we will show the backup and restoration properties of Safe Cards.




Developer/writer/thinker living in the cryptoverse. Co-founder of GridPlus